Ode to Ernie F. Gale

Created by Betty Hoadley 15 years ago
The job of E.D. is as busy as can be, But one that Ernie does - convincingly. He's known to put on his two velvet gloves And if there need be, release swarms of doves. Because he's .....Ernie F. Gale, versatility man, Doing every job the best that he can. All 'round the campus in his monogrammed shirt, Shining up the halos, cleaning up the dirt. He goes to the games played on ice at the Whit, And watches the football with players so fit. He travels to Bean Town for the Pops summer show, Hobnobs with the chapters and keeps on the go. Because he's.........(followed by chorus) His job's to make friends and connect with the grads, Keep up with the old folks, yet know latest fads, Appeal to alums from all generations From 'Frisco to Venice and all other stations. Because he's......(followed by chorus) He curries his Board and directs volunteers, Stays fast at the tiller through stock market fears, Oversees the budget through times bad and good, Makes sure of arrangements, especially the food. Because he's......(followed by chorus) He's a stickler for promptness, events start on time. He accounts for expenditures - every last dime. He glad hands the reps under the Gold Dome, Works every last crowd, on land or on foam. Because he's......(followed by chorus) He bleeds blue and white. He's UNH true. His legacy will be a widcat statue. The university's image is stronger we know With Ernie on board to help run the show. Because he's.....(followed by chorus) Farewell to you, sea man, farewell from this crew. We all wish you well, whatever you do. May the wind fill your sails and your journey be fun. And thanks again, Ernie, "It was a great run." He's Ernie F. Gale, versatility man, Doing every job the best that he can. All 'round the campus in his monogrammed shirt Just shining up the halos and cleaning up the dirt. Recited by all on the occasion of Ernie's retirement from the UNH Alumni Association on April 29, 2004 (EKH) (I even saw President Ann Weaver Hart chanting the chorus with the accompanying hand gestures.) What a day and what a great guy! Betty Hoadley